
terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

Esmaltes Deborah Lippmann

 A marca Deborah Lippmann de esmaltes, acaba de mostrar sua nova colecão, de esmaltes para as festa de fim de ano.
As cores são: do ya think i’m sexy, glamorous life, I love the nightlife, shake your groove thing, stairway to heaven e good girl gone bad. A maioria com um super brilho!

Glitter para todos os lados!!

The brand of nail polish, Deborah Lippmann, just show their new collection of nail polish for the party season.

The colors are: ya think I'm sexy, glamorous life, I love the nightlife, shake your groove thing, stairway to heaven and good girl gone bad. Most with a super shine!
Glitter in all directions!

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